Reply To: Location and distance filter

Autism Dating – Front page Forums Dating with Asperger’s Location and distance filter Reply To: Location and distance filter


Hi Andrew. I’ve put the distance filter up on the main search again. The thing is however that some people just don’t show on it when they didn’t allow location services on their computer or mobile so the “city” field in the modal (blue sidebar) search is more reliable in finding matches.

I am also working on a users map that is more reliable. I have a demo hidden away to play with but the problem there is that some of the full street addresses of some members are showing so I don’t want to use that publicly until that is resolved. Another problem is site speed. Map features usually slow down a site considerably, but if more people sign up for a plus membership then I can save up for special plugins that take care of some of the problems and have a full proximity search with map features. It is on top of my list.

Best regards,


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