How to be Successful at Online Dating for people on the Autism Spectrum
This video is about “dating do’s and don’ts” for when you are on the autism spectrum. I could have added quite a few more but the pointers mentioned are the most important ones. I hope it will help you along. With enough responses I will make a part two where I would like to go more into the best practices […]

How my Asperger-anxiety and I try to live together.
Intro “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for everyvictory gained you will also suffer a defeat.If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War After doing some reflecting […]

What it takes to (not) Break.
Growing up, I was very focused on things that interested me, often to the detriment of everything else. I would be admonished frequently by others – except, most of the time I hardly heard them and didn’t care when I did. When you have ‘weird’ interests, even just in intensity of focus and time spent doing something compared to neurotypicals, […]

Dating documentary casting in the US
Aspie Singles has talked with an associate producer of Northern Pictures who is working on a TV documentary series in the US about dating and relationships featuring people on the autism spectrum and we wish to help them out. They are looking for SINGLE people, living in the United States, who are on the autism spectrum and are interested in […]

11 online dating tips for Aspergians
A cheat sheet for online dating You can print these 11 pointers out and keep them nearby as a cheat sheet while you are looking for someone online. It is written to avoid some pitfalls while dating on the spectrum and will be useful for any online dating site. You can also use our printer friendly PDF and EPUB Take […]

Focusing the focus…
Today my driving license, credit card and and bank card and an Ikea Family card got lost or stolen, but I don’t have anxiety. A few years ago this would have caused me a really severe panic attack and possibly a melt down, I would worry about every little detail of it, digging into all possibilities, putting intensely all the […]
That’s a fantastic article on the Autistic Amygdala. Wow. And everything I know about the brain differences are held within this very article. Fantastic.
Thank you Chris! I appreciate your reaction a lot!
[…] 15/05/2020 Asperger […]
Fantastic article !