Feeling accepted

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    All of us the aspies deserve to be accepted as we are for our partners, family and friends, wherever, we all have something that make us unique and the potential to prosper in life. What autistic man and woman would not give anything to be accepted?, Many underestimate us that we cannot find or do a job well, we cannot live independently, we cannot socialize well or even seek for a relationship and have a family. What I’m saying is that we can do these things and else, we are humans like others and we have the same rights and don’t feel ashamed for having autism, j just be yourself.


    We do deserve to have it all, as much as the next person.

    I used to be myself all the time….as I’ve gotten older I have recognised that I often get… judged and misunderstood.

    I will still be myself…but need to find some good people in my world, true friends nearbye. It’s hard but I’ll keep trying


    Well said. We have our quirks and weaknesses, but we can get along with people and have relationships. As you said, “Just be yourself.” Sometimes we have to do things differently from what the neurotypicals typically do. For me, socializing is hard so I can really only developing a relationship by doing things together. I just don’t talk much, even with the people I’m closest to. When I’m with my family or my childhood friends, I feel welcome and included even if I say little.

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